So yesterdays man ride was the most intense, dangerous, longest ride I have ever done. Jacob did a good job of telling the story and there isn't much more I can say without repeating so I''ll just mention a couple more events which happened and leave you with the pics and films.Also Jacob and Andre settled the point system for the manly rides, that is also on Jacobs blog.
On the way home on the busy snowy hwys we encountered a few drivers that thought there was enough room to pass a car and squeeze in between us, seeing a car attempt this is very scary in light and not in a blizzard so seeing it happen then was so scary it forced us off the road.We also did a few huge descents on the snowy hwys which meant a lot of braking, in fact so much I need to go into the shop for some new pads.That's all I can think of for now so I'll leave it there.
Manly drinks for a manly ride.
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