Woke up a little ill from my friends birthday last night so I jumped into the car and met up with Jacob and Lizard for what was to be a 4 hr ride.First bit of the ride was fairly tame and I was searching for some leg power which seemed to no be present.Lizard jetted off down a back ally on Old Barre rd. and left Jacob and I to finish the task at hand.
Jacob used the interweb to map our ride and sure enough it told him to go down a road which hasn't been built yet.Instead of turning around we decide the railway was the better route to get to the road we needed.70 meters down the rail bed and Jacob flatted, which wouldn't have been to bad if either one of us carried a tube and pump.A call went out to Johny or John or Jon for a drive by pit stop and got the bike fixed up.As we finished the install two cyclist ripped past us in the direction we weren't going to go, so we looked at each other gave a nod and went on an attack.They had gained some time while we were stopped but the two Giants closed the gap and demolished the inferior Cannondale and another bike that I couldn't see the name because we were going to fast.We did some horseshoe valley and head back to Jacobs to finish off at 2:30.
Since the ride was suppose to be 4hrs once I arrived home I filled the bottles and headed out to visit the summer camp in Waub.Arrived said hello and headed homeward.The legs were feeling fairly drained at this point and the headwind wasn't helping,the only thing I could do is put the head down and give er.Made it home safe but burnt to a crisp maybe I should replace all the winter gear with sunscreen.
one of these days you guys are going to meet your match