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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's only a rabbit...

Let's start this post with a little vid just so you folks know what I was up against.(Click Here) K, now that you watched that I'll continue the story. Went for a run tonight because for some odd reason it helps my knees.Don't ask cause I dont know. When I run I'm a pretty focused guy, I hate doing it and I could care less about trying to enjoy it so the general plan of attack when I run is turn my brain off,which oddly enough im pretty good at. The odd time something shiny enough or dangerous enough will a catch my eye and I'll wake up.Tonight was no different and the cause was two racoons and a rabbit.No cougar but scary non the less. Cant trust city wildlife, they not only scrap all night but they think every human has food.Kind of like those people you always see in Toronto on the sewer covers....Anyways, they made a move, then I made a move and the next thing I knew I woke up with a sore bum.I must have slipped on a patch of ice...Finished the run strong, feeling like my fitness is returning.That is my fitness is returning like Frodo and Sam returning the ring to Mordor. Epic at times with a touch of pain and a pinch of enchanted creatures.

Tomorrow I ride but not before some TLC to the Rocky Mantain (made that up



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